Thursday, October 23, 2008


Just a few technical things about the blog:
  • I changed the settings to allow anyone - not just google account holders - to write comments, so go ahead.
  • Since I have no idea how many people are reading this, I added a poll to find out. Please participate.
  • I hope you like the new layout. I was trying to find a way to align pictures and text better, but so far have been unsuccessful. If you have any hints in that regard, feel free to let me know.


Anonymous said...

I'm Philipp's LTK. Every Day I'm looking for news in all from "Korea für Anfänger" linked blogs.
It's very interesting, even if 3 people write about the same event. That are 3 different storys.
About Busan I read at first in your blog.
Now to the new blogoutfit: for my eyes it would be better, to have black letters on a white ground.
However - my best reguards from a sunshining Germany (only the weather) from the always interested LTK of Philipp

Thor said...

Hey. Thx for the reply, I figured black background and white letters might be a bit harsh. Once I have time, I'll see whether I find something else that is nice...
Regarding Busan: only IRTG people were there, Philipp was the only DAAD student lucky enough to join later on.