It is my last day here, the bags are packed, I checked out of my room, got back my deposit, could not even use my internet last night, am a little scared how much I will have to pay for my excess baggage tomorrow...

The last days we had an all-German get-together in a bar in Shillim with a bit of beer and lots of typically American sweets: a brownie and an ice cream cake and lots of donuts. The day after we decided to visit the highest bar in Seoul in the 63 building to have some cocktails accompanied by fried king prawns to waste my leftover Wons. Today, I am in the office for the

last time and had lunch with almost all group members. Now we are saying the last farewells before I leave for home to rearrange some of my luggage and trade pictures with everyone in the evening. Tomorrow morning I will have to head to the airport and leave for Germany. I wish I co

uld stay here longer, since there is still so much more left to see and do. It was definitely a very nice time and I can only recommend Seoul and Korea to anyone who might get the chance to go there. Now my only hope is that Germany will be nicer than German artist Paul Snowden expresses in his work, which Claudine came across at an art exhibition. The last sentence has already turned into a running gag here for those of us about to go back. PS: The weather also sucks. Optimistic, that the rest will not, this is my last blog entry from here. Goodbye Korea, until next year.
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