Waking up to blue skies, tangerine trees beneath my window, the ocean in sight already put me in a good mood. On the second day of the conference we decided to use the generous lunch break for a

small trip to the nearby grotto inside sanbang mountain. It took a quick ten minute hike to get up and offered a lovely view of the surrounding area. Inside was a Buddhist statue and a pond collecting water dripping from the ceiling, which we could not decline

trying. Below the grotto lay a beautiful sandy beach, over which the Hamel monument towered. Hamel was a dutch merchant, who stranded on Jeju in the 16th century. He and his surviving crew members were the first westerners

ever to have encountered Korea. They were brought before the king and denied return for almost thirteen years to keep Korea a secret. In the afternoon coffee break we wandered a little further down the paths behind the ICC and encountered impressive columnar lava structures nearby.
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