On the final day in Jeju, we decided to climb the 1900 m high Halla mountain towering over the island. The weather was nice and warm, the trees featured leaves of all colors from green to yellow to bright red and the black lava rock underneath made for a beautiful

contrast. Since we had to catch a plane in the evening we decided for the slighly longer, but easier climb through rolling hills covered with dense forest. After quite a few hours of walking an a Ramen soup for lunch at the shelter below the crater

, we started the final ascent. We arrived just in time to see the crater for a few minutes before it disappeared in dense clouds

. Temperature had dropped throughout the hike forcing all of us decided to put on some warm jackets at the top - well, almost all of us anyways. Our pleasent stay at the top was shortened by the beginning of drizzeling rain, which quickly increased to substantial rain and stayed with us almost all the way down. Completely wet and unable to dry or change, we decided to have a good sashimi (hoi)

dinner in Jeju harbor before leaving. We got more than we asked for on this one. Accompanying the plate with the tasty slices of raw fish, which had been taken out of the aquarium, killed and sliced for us the

second after we ordered, we were also served a plate of raw specialties, which turned out to be hard to identify. Another highlight were the snails, served with burning fire in the center of the plate. Some of these

exotic ocean inhabitants were quite tasty, others required some water or soju to help them on their way down.
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