Also, I decided to give a little insight on how in the world we manage to order food in the restaurants here, because waitors and waitresses aren't usually the most skilled in English and neither are we in Korean. Also, do not believe that all menus are translated - this is only the case in the bigger ones or in the tourist areas. Most contain English titles and advertisements here and there, but that is usually it. Luckily, Koreans love pictures and show cases. So in front of many upper scale restaurants - but also the school cafeteria - there are usually show cases containing the offered meals. Theses are either aritificial, such as in the picture, or just a plate with the food of the day, such as in the dining hall, where it changes every day. Inside, one may then consult the menus, which usually also contain lots pictures. Whether the fried stuff in the picture represents chicken, shrimp, squid or worse is a slightly more complicated matter, however.
Salsaboot am Edersee
11 years ago
1 comment:
Also ich muss schon sagen, diese Badekappe steht dir unheimlich gut. Solltest du öfter tregen :)
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