Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Food, dinner & fun

While I was struggeling with force field parameters, quantum mechnical calculation results and worse it suddenly occured - for the first time since I am here - that me and Mark where utterly alone in the office with everyone else being at meetings, in the lab or wherever. So it was the perfect moment to take an undisturbed picture of the office.
In the evening me and Cheol went out for some beer with side dishes. As I learned during our conversation we visited the first japanese style bar in Seoul, luckily very close to my home in Nok-Du. We started drinking Sake, japanese rice wine, which was served warm in a teapot. This was accompanied by an impressive platter of many different little skewers (hopefully this means the same as Grillspieße in German). And despite the fact that I am describing food yet again - it is the most amazing thing in everyday life here. So let us just take a look at the left side of the plate:
first are little sticks made of crab, followed by small pieces of something in the stomach of the chicken, followed by normal meatballs, fourth are pieces of chicken heart, fifth pieces of chicken breast, next some Korean fruit we could not translate and last but not least Garlic (very tasty). So, yes, I ate chicken heart today. And by heart I do not mean the center of the best piece of meat or so, but the part of the body that was beating and punping the blood through the little thing's veins, while it was still walking about. It was actually quite good and Cheol was impressed, that I dared to eat it without hesitation (it looked pretty tasty as well). Afterwards we drank some Soju cocktail out of a similar tea can, but this time cooled by ice cubes. Being pretty drunk by now, it seemed like a good idea to head home especially due to an important business trip the next day. On the way back we passed one of those places, where you can attempt to hit baseballs being shot at you with a baseball bat. Since it's only 500 Won for 20 or so shots, we gave it a try. It was enormously hard. I hit virtually nothing and those little balls were pretty darn fast. I will have to try again prior to drinking some day... Anyhow, this is another one of those 'sports' places, that are common in Korea and nonexistant in Germany, so I figured I should let you know before going to bed. I will have to get up earlier than usual yet again tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

chicken heart is not too exotic plate. we have in italy too :) we cook the little hearts and livers with also another part that I don't know how to translate (magoncini in italian... in my region). Anyway... make that "jump" in a pot with some oil and onions... gnam gnam :D

Thor said...

Really? I wasn't aware of that. I usually stick to chicken wings and breast. But at least now I know I won't have to travel to Korea, in case I start missing it back in Germany ;-)