This weekend we yet again plunged right into the heart of shopping in Seoul by visiting two of the most famous, but utterly different places. Shopping centers, such as the park mall reach unrivaled sizes here and nine stories can easily be expected. Ideally including food courts and entertainment areas. Part of the Park mall is a gigantic electronics center - whatever you cannot buy there is either outdated or nonexistant. Awesome. Korea also seems to take a slightly different approach to legal issues compared to Germany. You can actually buy 4 burnt CDs for roughly 10 Euros here featuring movies that are currently running in US cinema. The new Batman, for example.

Before continuing onward to a completely different shopping experience, I picked up my Korean home gawn, that I had ordered last weekend in Itaewon. While trying it on, everyone else decided, this would be a great opportunity to take a picture. After this experience, I decided to rule out modeling as a future career option ;-)
Second major place for shopping this weekend was Namdaemun market, which is an enormous maze of tiny alleys filled with little stores and market stands filled with anything from clothes to shoes to fish to vegetables to pottery to...

Zu diesem komischen Bademanteldings und deinen Modelambitionen sag ich besser mal nichts, sonst werd ich doch noch hier gesperrt ;)
Ich hab doch gesagt du sollst Melli für Kommentare sperren ;o).
Also ich finde dich schon sehr talentiert und auch sehr schick, du solltest nur deinen Kameramann feuern, irgendwie sind die Bilder von dir nicht scharf. Und das kann ja nicht an dir liegen ;o).
a propos: wenn du jetzt schon in diesem riesen mega-technik-store warst, dann haste doch bestimmt ne webcam gekauft?!?
Ich hab noch extra NICHTS gesagt...menno :(
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