It may seem hard

to believe, but I do not spend every day exploring yet another amazing temple, shopping center, recreational area or district of the city - especially on weekdays ;)
So I figured it might be worth pointing out a few of the little things that make the days here different from those at home. The first is simply a qu

ite improvised street sale of melons. The second is - since I decided not to spend so much time on food - one of my most favorite drinks. Iced Kiwi juice. It consits of ice and at least one full kiwi and maybe more depending on where one buys it. Certainly tastes very fruity or better: kiwiy. Third is one of many impressive-looking motels, which seem to pop out all over Seoul at night. Fourth is a royal seal of some

sort. It made it into this blog to mention the fact, that official documents here are not signed by the person occupying the required position - for example the dean of a university - but instead carry a seal corresponding to that position. Looks a bit more stylish than a simple signature.
But the seal seems to be quite easy to falsify - or are the modern ones more complicated?
They look complicated enough, but I guess punishments for falsification are harsh, so people just don't do it.
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